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Club and Computer Room Rules
- No food or drink in the computer room.
- Guests are welcome for three “Lifetime” visits to the regular Club meetings then they are requested to join the club.
- Computers cannot be used unless a teacher or supervisor is present.
- When using the computers DO NOT change any settings.
- When exiting Windows go to the Windows Start Button and select “Shutdown”.
- No software, equipment or books are to be taken from the computer room without notifying a member of the maintenance committee.
- Unless previously specified business meetings should not run over 20 minutes. Business meetings may be suspended to accommodate a guest speaker.
- Computer club members are required to be Members of the Newton Seniors’ Centre.
- Membership in the Computer Club will be $15.00 annually as from September 1st 2010. Any increase in the dues will be subject to the Members’ approval.
- Access to the computer room shall be limited to club times and such times as needed by instructors.
- There shall be no permanent installation of any programmes on the computers without permission from a member of the Education or Maintenance committee.
- Volunteer instructors must be members of the Newton Seniors’ Centre or be registered volunteers with the City of Surrey Volunteer Program in order to be covered for insurance purposes.
June 11th 2018
- The name of the club shall be Newton Seniors’ Centre Computer Club.
- The prime aim and purpose of the Club is to provide learning experiences, the exchange of ideas, to help each other and to further knowledge of computers.
- The club Executive shall appoint a Nominating Committee of not less than two members in good standing. Nominations to the Executive shall be obtained and known two weeks prior to the election and/or from the floor on Election Day. Elections shall be held at the last meeting in June each year and the new Executive shall become effective at the end of that meeting.
- The Executive shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Registrar, Maintenance Committee Chairperson, Education Committee Chairperson and immediate Past President. Positions shall be elected annually with the exception of the immediate Past President. An executive meeting quorum shall be half plus one of the elected executive.
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club. He/She shall be a member ex-officio of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
- Dues are payable on or before September 1st of each year. Membership shall be prorated if joining up on or after March 1st of the following year. Members 90 years and older shall be exempt from paying any dues and will be entitled to complimentary membership in the Computer Club.
- The Computer Education Committee shall be elected at the same time as the general elections and consist of not more than 7 members who will select their own Chairperson in due time.
- Chairman of the Maintenance Committee shall be elected annually and will in turn appoint a maintenance committee.
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